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butt plugs, lubricants, lubrication, Oil-based, Silicone-based, Water-based -

We can never downplay the importance of lubrication when any anal play is involved. It is not only the fun of putting your anal vibrator plug in that matters, but your safety is also a must. There is a variety of lubes in the market but the truth is, not all can be used with the diverse butt plugs available.  We have worked on a short guide for you on the lubes that you can use for the different plugs you may want to use.   The three types of lubricants You will find that there are three major types...

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Majority of people who are using the butt plug for the very first time (this is also the case for the tail plugs and fox tail plugs.) always try to imagine what the experience would be if they tried it, would it cause them pain or would they even be comfortable, this is one of the reasons that they actually may hesitate from trying one. The good news is that when used in the right way, butt plugs are not painful nor do they present one with discomfort, in reality, you may just have fun using them.  The use of...

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It may have come to your attention or you may have seen videos of persons wearing princess butt plugs too so many public places which are inclusive of workplaces, schools, shopping malls among many others. It may seem fun at first, but you should take great caution when you think of doing the same, this is because the prolonged usage of butt plugs may be a downside for your health.  The standard time that is widely accepted that one can wear a butt plug should be not more than 2-3 hours, even if you may think you are as comfortable...

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Using clean and secure butt plugs is very crucial and of great significance to your health, well-being and in having great pleasure in lovemaking. Ensure that at all times your butt plug is clean for use for your wellness. The following is a brief guidance on the proper and harmless ways of cleaning your butt plug; however these instructions are applicable for use with diverse sex toys you may possess, just get to know the material they are made of. It doesn’t matter the extent of your rectum cleanliness, bacteria residue at all times remains in your butt plug. These...

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It is okay to say that a lot of info on how to insert and remove a butt plug has been discussed in details in our previous article on how a butt plug feels, this said, it is of great importance to also highlight and give you a detailed guide on the how the plug works. It is also important to have a look of our guide on butt plug guide for more insight if you have not already done so. Starting off The first thing you need to pre-stretch your anus, for this you will need to use your...

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