10 Best Glass Dildos in 2020
Glass dildos are a little bit different compared to regular dildos, and this is because of the materials that they are made from. However, they can actually offer you alternative ways to be pleasured, and they will certainly spice up your sex life, as they can provide something new for you and your partner to try. They are different from regular dildos, and a lot of glass dildos won't have features like them being able to vibrate but to be honest, they don't really need to have this feature. This is because a glass dildo will be able to offer you a sexual type of ecstasy.

This glass dildo actually has two ends to it, so you and your partner could even use this both at the same time if you want to. Another reason that it has two ends to it is that each half of the glass dildo has different patterns that you will be able to feel when you’re playing with them. One end is ribbed, and this really adds a whole new level of enjoyment while it's inside you, while the other end is dotted and trust us these features will make this dildo your new favorite.

This is definitely a glass dildo that you probably haven't seen before, but this is going to be one that you will definitely want to add to your collection. It's actually a very large size, so if you want a dildo that's able to go very deep inside of you and hit all of your desired spots, then this will certainly do this. This dildo is also double-ended; in a way, it's like two dildos in one, as one end is larger, while the other end has a smaller dildo. This means that you can use this with your partner or you can experiment with both on your own.

This sex toy has quite a unique shape and is mostly used for anal purposes. The swirls on this glass dildo really enable you to be able to feel intense excitement as it's slowly going into you. One amazing feature about this glass dildo is the fact that you can actually very easily cool it down and warm it up, so you'll be able to feel different types of heat pleasure while you're using it. Even though it may seem quite a small size, it definitely won't need to be any bigger, because this little diamond will be able to make you orgasm as soon as it starts to enter you.

If you're on the hunt for a glass dildo that actually works as a two in one, then this will be right up your street. One end of the dildo is shaped just like a penis, while the other end has a ribbed shape to it which is the design by anal beads; therefore, you will be able to get two completely different sensations just from one dildo. This means that you will definitely be able to spice up your sex life as soon as this gets delivered to your front door. This is the type of dildo that you will definitely get addicted to using, and you will never be able to put it down once it's in your life.

If you're looking for a different type of dildo to add to your collection to provide you with some new sensations in your life, then this will be perfect. This glass dildo is shaped like a tentacle, and it has different textures made into it, like ribbed and dots, so when it's in you-you'll be definitely feeling sexual enjoyment, and it will make you scream like no other dildo will. It also has a very useful handle at the bottom of the dildo, which will make it very easy for you or your partner to use when it’s inside of you.

This dildo is so strong, and you will be able to feel this as soon as you touch it. It is beaded all of the way along, so when it's inside you, you will be able to feel every single bead working its way up you. You can heat this dildo up or even make it colder so it will give you more ways to pleasure yourself while you're using it. You can also use this dildo externally as well as internally, so it has multiple uses, and you can also use it yourself or let your partner use it on you.
Buyers guide
There are many different features that glass dildos have and there are some things that you will need to look out for before you do purchase one. For instance, if you haven't used one before (especially if it's for anal purposes) it may be best to try one out that is smaller first and then work your way up to ones that are larger. Another thing that you will need to check before you purchase one is whether or not it's suitable for anal use or vaginal, because if they are specifically designed for one or the other, then they may not be suitable for both uses. Therefore it's important that you know what you want to use the dildo for before you decide to purchase one.
Buyers guide questions
How are glass dildos different?
Glass dildos are different from regular dildos, and this is because of the material that they are made from. This material will bring you a completely different feel and different sensations as well compared to a dildo made from silicone materials. Not only this, but glass dildo won't tend to be able to have the same features that a regular dildo may have, an example of this is the fact that it won't be able to vibrate. However, because of this, there is a whole range of them that have been designed to have a whole variety of different textures that will give you great sexual enjoyment.
How do you clean a glass dildo?
There’s not much difference in the way that you have to clean glass dildos compared to regular dildos. You will need wet wipes and warm soapy water. First of all, you may find it easier to use the wet wipes to clean over your glass dildo, as this will quickly take off any substances that are on it after use. Then you can actually place the whole glass dildo into the warm soapy water, as it’s very rare that these specific ones will have any electrical devices in them, but if they do then don’t put these into the water. Once it’s in the water just gently wash it and then dry it with a towel.
It's so important that you clean any dildo after you've used it because if you don't then, it means that bad bacteria can easily grow on the dildo. This is very dangerous if you continue to use it without washing it.